Sunday, December 5, 2010

Pepsi Commericals

1950 Pepsi Cola Commrcial

1960 Pepsi commerical

1980 Pepsi commerical
 1950 Coca Cola Commerical

1930's Coca Cola advertisment

1978 Coca Cola Commerical

Old Pepsi machine

Here are some old Pepsi Machine. Two of them are from the 50's and the other are 60's and 70's. if you look Pepsi has change the color of their blue on their machines. The name Pepsi went from the color white to red then to blue. The price went up too it starts off at 5 cent, then ten cent, then 40 cent. Today it cost $1.45 at school for any soda.

1950 Coca Cola soda machine


I don't know abou you but i think it cool looking at all this old soda machine. This machine around my mom time. I though would be neat to see how they back then. Here are some 1960 machine too.

The way can of soda have change though the years

                                                               This can where out when I was 5 years old and glass bottles. When I was kid we paid 50 cent for soda.

This show you the different design of the can and bottle though the years.

Different poster Pepsi Cola

<---- 1950 pepsi advertisment

 here are different advertisment for pepsi and one spoke person picture, who was the king of pop Micheal Jackson. This picture was taking after he got burned on stage doing something for pepsi. I don't really remember because I was 6 or 7 when it happen.

 <--------1954 Pepsi advertisment
<-------1955  Pepsi advertisment

<------1957  Pepsi advertisment
<------ 1959 Pepsi advertisment
<----- another advertisment don't know what year.
<--- Micheal after he was burned in the hospital talking to burn victim.

Different poster Coca Cola

Here are some Coca Cola posters form different years